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Vegetable Pasta

Healthy Vegetarian Dish

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

Vegetable pasta is an irresistible vegetarian dish which can be made in a short amount of time. It is a popular dish which originates from Italy.


  • 1 cup Tomatoes

  • 1 cup Fresh Coriander

  • 1 tbsp Garam Masala Powder

  • 1 tbsp Red Chilli Powder

  • 1 tbsp Oregano

  • 1 tbsp Turmeric Powder

  • 1 Whole Garlic

  • 0.5 Red Peppers

  • 8 Green Chillies

  • 1 cup Tomato Ketchup

  • 1 cup boiled corn

  • 200 grams of boiled carrots

  • 1 cup boiled Green Beans

  • 1 cup Green Peas

  • 0.5 Green Peppers

  • 1000 grams of Boiled Pasta

  • 125 milligram Oil

  • 1 tbsp Salt


Prepare the Vegetable Base Masala

Place a cooking pot on the hob and add in the oil. Next, let’s add in the garlic and wait for the garlic to turn a golden brown colour. We will then add in the onions and wait for them to also turn a golden brown colour. We can then add in the salt and turmeric powder.

Now, let’s add in the red chilli powder followed by the Garam Masala and give the cooking pot a good mix. Next, we will add in the carrots and the green peas. Also, let’s add in the corn and green beans.

We will now add in the green and red peppers. Now let’s give the pot a good mix. Ensure that while mixing the base does not get too dry. Add a little bit of water if the base becomes a little dray. We can now add in the tomatoes.

Cover the pot for 5 minutes on a medium flame. After 5 minutes, remove the pot and check to ensure that the vegetables are cooked.

Adding the Pasta

Let’s add in the green chillies followed by the Oregano. Now let’s add in our key ingredient, the pasta. Give the pot a really good mix ensuring that the pasta and vegetables are well mixed.

Add the ketchup followed by a good mix to the cooking pot.

Optionally we can also add in some butter or cheese to give the pasta a very lovely texture.

Final Ingredients

Now, add in the coriander. This will help to keep the pasta fresh and tasty. Our pasta should now be ready to serve.


Benefits of having Vegetable Pasta include:

  • The carbohydrates in pasta help to provide a steady stream of glucose providing energy for your body

  • Low in cholesterol levels

  • Pasta is a good source of folic acid

Click the link to see my video: Vegetable Pasta

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

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