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Tadka Dal Recipe

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

Dal Recipe

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

The Tadka Dal is an amazing dish from India that comes in great flavoured food. It comes from India.


  • 2 tsp Salt

  • 2 tsp Clarified Butter

  • 3 inch Ginger piece, grated

  • 2 tsp Cumin Seeds

  • 2 tsp Red Chilli powder

  • 6 Red Chillies

  • 6 tsp green coriander leaves, chopped

  • 2 tsp Turmeric powder

  • 1 Garlic chopped

  • 2 medium-size tomatoes, chopped

  • 1 tsp Coriander powder

  • 2 medium-size onion, Chopped

  • 600 ml of Water

  • 2 cup Toor Dal / Channa

Preparing the Channa

Place a cooking pot on your cooker and pour the water into it. Then place your Toor dal into your cooking pot. Give it a little mix and then add the salt and give it another mix.

Close the lid for about 45 minutes on medium flame. This is to allow the dal to soften so that we can use it.

Preparing the Base

In an empty cooking pot, place that on your cooker and add in the butter. Also, let's add in the cumin seeds as well as the red chillies. Next, let's add the ginger as well as the garlic. Once done, give it a gentle mix.

We will now add the onions and give it another mix. Let's also add in the remaining salt. Next, add in the turmeric powder and give it a quick mix. Also, let's add in the coriander powder and again give it a quick mix.

Now let's add in the tomatoes and again as before let's give it a quick mix.

Let's close the lid to allow the tomatoes to become a little soft.

To have a fresh taste, add just a small pinch of coriander and give the base another soft mix.

Adding in the Dal

Now from your first cooking pot, start to transfer the dal into your second cooking pot where you have been preparing your base. As you transfer the dal, make sure to give your cooking pot a quick mix between dal transfers.

Close the lid on the cooking pot and allow it to cook thoroughly. For an extra level of fresh, sprinkle some coriander into your dal mix.

Preparing the Tadka

Let's prepare for the Tadka. In a separate pan, add some butter and cumin seeds and give it a quick mix. Now let's add in the red chilli powder as well as some fresh coriander. The Tadka should now be ready.

Adding the Tadka to the Dal

Take your Tadka and start to pour it on the surface of your earlier dal dish. Make sure to not mix the Tadka but instead to just pour it over your dal. This will provide that lovely texture of your Tadka dal.

Your dish should now be ready to serve.


Tadka dal has a number of herbs and spices which are tempered. All of them have some form of benefits.

The Turmeric, mustard and cumin seeds, as well as the curry leaves, have amazing medicinal property. Also, adding ghee helps to unlock these medicinal healing attributes.

Click the link to see my video: Tadka Dal Recipe

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

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