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Scrambled Eggs

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

Healthy Superfood

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

Scrambled eggs is a dish made from stirred eggs together while being gently heated, typically with salt, butter and pepper. Once ready, it is great to serve with toast, grilled cherry tomatoes and fried mushrooms. This plate is great to enjoy on days where you don't need to worry about school runs or need to go to work.


  • 4 Eggs

  • 6 Cherry Tomatoes

  • 4 tsp Butter

  • 1 tsp Spring Onion

  • 1 tsp Oil

  • 0.5 tsp Sea Salt

  • 1 tsp Pepper

  • 2 Mushrooms

  • 2 White Bread


Frying our Mushrooms and Tomatoes

To start off, first, place a pan on top of your cooker and pour the oil in. Wait for the oil to heat up a little. Once hot, we will add out mushrooms. The mushrooms will need to be fully cooked for health reasons as eating raw mushrooms can cause a number of problems. Place your mushrooms with their head facing down.

While your mushrooms are sizzling, place your tomatoes next to the mushroom and add a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper. Allow both your mushrooms and your tomatoes to sizzle on the pan until the mushrooms become a nice golden brown. Your tomatoes should also show a charcoal grill like texture effectively telling you that they are ready. Remove your tomatoes and mushrooms and place on a plate.

Toasting our Bread

Let's use the same pan for our next set of ingredients. Clean it and place it back on your cooker and add the butter it. Let the butter sizzle and meat into the pan. Once melted, place both your bread straight into the pan ensuring to rub the butter all over the bread.

Make sure to periodically flip the bread on each side to ensure that the bread does not burn. Leave the bread on each side for two minutes on a medium flame. Once the bread is ready, place it back on the plate alongside your mushrooms and tomatoes.

Making our Scrambled Eggs

Lastly, now let's prepare our scrambled eggs. On a clean pan, add your eggs straight into the pan making sure to not seasons the eggs. If you season the eggs before adding them to your pan, this breaks the eggs quickly. To get the fluffy texture at the end, it is important to not add any seasoning to your eggs until after they have been added to the pan.

Once you have added your eggs, add some butter and use a whisk to mix your eggs and butter until it feels fluffy. To ensure you get a great texture while mixing your egg and butter, ensure to move your pan away from the fire and then back on. Repeat this a few times.

Lastly, add your yoghurt in and mix it straight into your scrambled eggs. And now finally season your eggs with salt, pepper and spring onions and mix it. Once ready, place the scrambled eggs on top of your toast.


The Egg is one of the few foods that can be classified as a "superfood". They have plenty of nutrients, some of which are pretty rare in modern diets. A single boiled egg contains:

  • Vitamin A: 6% of the RDA

  • Folate: 5% of the RDA

  • Vitamin B5: 7% of the RDA

  • Vitamin B12: 9% of the RDA

  • Vitamin B2: 15% of the RDA

  • Phosphorus: 9% of the RDA

  • Selenium: 22% of the RDA

Eggs are also high in Cholesterol but don't adversely affect blood cholesterol. They have also been linked to a reduced risk of Heart Disease.

Click the link to see my video: Scrambled Eggs

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

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