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Mutton Kacchi Biryani

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

Tendered Meat Marinated with Fried Onions and Rice

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

The Mutton Kacchi Biryani is a rice dish with tender meat marinated with fried onions, spices, fresh herbs and cream. The rice is topped with rose and saffron and sits on the top while the marinated meat sits on the bottom.


Garam Masala

  • 1 tbsp Caraway Seeds

  • 5 Green Cardamoms

  • 2 Black Cardamoms

  • 1 Whole Mace

  • 1 Star Anis

  • 1 Nutmeg

  • 2 Cinnamon Stick

  • 1 tbsp Coriander Seeds

  • 1 tbsp Cumin Seeds

  • 1 tbsp Fennel Seeds

  • 2 Curry Leaves

  • 1 tbsp Cloves

  • 3 Red Chillies

  • 1 tbsp Black Pepper

Place an empty pan on your cooker and heat up the pan. We will first dry roast our ingredients. Put the coriander seeds, caraway seeds, chillis and cloves, black peppers, cumin seeds, green and black cardamom, cinnamon stick and star anise and nutmegs. That was a lot of ingredients to put into the pan in one go. Give the content a good stair until they are all well fried.

Blend to create the Garam Masala

Once the ingredients are fried, put them all into a blender and blend until its a fine powder.

Prepare the Meat

  • 7 tbsp oil

  • 2 medium-sized onions

Place an empty pan on your cooker and add in your onions. Allow the onions to cook until it's a rich golden brown colour. Take out the onion and place it on a plate as we will need to later.

Marinate Meat

  • 2 tbsp Garlic and Ginger Paste

  • 1 tbsp Lemon Juice

  • 1 tbsp Red Chilli Powder

  • 1 cup Fresh Cream

  • Garam Masala powder

  • 4 tbsp Oil

  • 1 cup Fried Onion

  • 1 kg Meat

In your meat bowl, add in your fried onions as well as your yoghurt. Next, add your garlic paste and ginger paste. Also, add in your lemon juice as well as your oil. Next, add the red chilli powder as well as the salt. Let's also add in the garam masala. Now let's mix the content of the meat bowl. Make sure to mix until the meat is fully covered in all the spices that we have just added.

Once done, cover the bowl with clean fill and place it in the fridge for overnight. 2 hours should be enough to marinate in the fridge but overnight in the fridge is better.

In the morning, take out your meat bowl and remove the oil.

Preparing the Potatoes

  • 10 Potatoes

  • 1 tbsp oil

  • 0.5 tbsp yellow food colouring

Rub the potatoes with your yellow food colouring. Once done, place an empty pan on your cooker and pour the oil into it. Then add your potatoes straight into your pan. Give around 5 minutes for your potatoes to fry.

Once fried, remove the potatoes and place them on a plate.

Preparing the Rice

Use about three cups worth of rice and wash them in a colander under your tap. Place another cooking pot on your cooker and pour around 2 litres of water into it. Allow the water to boil and then add some salt and cumin seeds.

Next, let's add in our rice. Close the lid and leave it for about 10 minutes. This should be enough time for your rice to be fully cooked. Once boiled, remove your rice and place it in a colander.

Dish Ingredients

  • 1 cup Fried Onion

  • 1 tbsp Salt

  • 2 tbsp Rose Water

  • 3 tbsp Ghee

  • Garam Masala Powder

  • 10 Potatoes

  • Saffron Milk

For the final part of this dish, we will use all our earlier dishes and put them together.

In your cooking pot, first place in your marinated meat. Next, place your fried potatoes into the same cooking pot. Next, pour your rice into the same cooking pot. You can also add in some salt and rose water now on top of the rice. Also, add in some garam masala as well as the fried onion.

Let's also add in the Saffron milk, garam masala and the ghee. Cover the rice cooking pot using some foil paper. Place the lid on top of the cooking pot.

Place your cooking pot on top of the cooker for about 10 minutes on a high flame. After 10 minutes, change the flame level to low for a further 40 minutes.

Once done, remove your lid and the foil making sure to be careful as it is very hot. Your dish is now ready to serve.


The Mutton Kacchi Biryani dish is estimated to provide about 50% - 70% of your daily intake of energy, cholesterol fat and sodium.

Mutton is typically found to contain protein, iron, vitamin E, B and K. It also contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

Click the link to see my video: Mutton Kacchi Biryani Recipe

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

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