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Mutton Biryani

Mutton with Rice

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

Mutton Biryani is a traditional dish from the east that consists of flavoured rice with mutton. It is a delay dish that is healthy and filling. You can also serve Mutton Biryani with other curry dishes making this dish very good for a dinner or evening meals.


Garam Masala

  • 1 Whole Mace

  • 4 Cinnamon Sticks

  • 2 Black Cardamoms

  • 7-8 Green Cardamoms

  • 1 tbsp Black Pepper

  • 1 tbsp Black Cumin Seeds

  • 2 Star Anis

  • 1 Whole Nutmeg

Main Ingredients

  • 5 tbsp Tomato Puree

  • 1 Cup Fried Onions

  • 4 tbsp Lemon Juice

  • 4 Green Chillies

  • 2 tbsp Caraway Water

  • 1 Handful Coriander

  • 10 Peeled Potatoes

  • 1 tbsp Green Chilli Paste

  • 1 tbsp Ginger Paste

  • 1 tbsp Garlic Paste

  • 8 Prunes

  • 5 Green Cardamoms

  • 2 Curry Leaves

  • 1 tbsp Cumin Seeds

  • Garram Masala Powder

  • 1 tbsp Red Food Colouring

  • 1 tbsp Orange Food Colouring

  • 2 ½ Cups of Water

  • 1 ½ Lamb Meat

  • 4 tbsp Oil


Preparing the Garam Masala

Put all the Garam Masala ingredients inside a blender and then blend the entire ingredients until it is a fine texture.

Preparing the Rice

Place a cooking pot on your cooking hub and pour some water in (16 cups). Then add Star Anise, Green Cardamon, Curry leaves and some salt. We will also add some oil and then mix the water. Close the lid and allow the water to boil.

Now that the water has boiled, we can add the rice and then close the lid until the rice is nice and soft.

Drain the water and then plate the rice.

Cooking the Meat

Place another empty pot on your stove and add oil, Curry leaves, Green Cardamons and Cumin Seeds and mix the pot. Next we will add the meat and mix the pot.

Close the lid for 5 minutes to allow the meat to cook. After 5 minutes, remove the lid and the meat should be mildly cooked.

Adding the Spices

We can now begin to add the spices to the meat. Let’s add Cumin Powder, Red Chilli Powder, Turmeric Powder, Coriander Powder, Salt and Curry Leaves. We will also add the Garlic, Ginger and Chilli paste and then mix the pot.

After mixing, we can add the Prunes and previously made Garam Masala powder. Ensure to mix the pot.

Let’s also add some water to ensure that the base does not burn and to allow the meat and spices to cook. Let’s close the lid for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, use a spoon, you can check that the meat should almost be cooked. We can now add the Tomato Puree and follow this with a mix.

We can now also add in the Potatoes and mix the pot, let’s also close the lid for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, remove the lid and add lemon juice, Caraway Water, Green Chilies and Fresh Coriander.

Also, remove some of the meat as we will re-add them later after adding the Rice.

Adding the Rice

To your meat pot, add the rice. On top of the rice, add fresh Coriander, fried Onions and Green Chilies. Also, add the meat back on top of the rice. We can also add in more rice on top of the meat.

Food Colouring

We can now add in some food colouring as this will give the Rice some contrast. We can also add in some more Garam Masala.

Allow the pot to cook for a further 5 minutes and your dish should be ready to serve.


  • Meat provides iron and is the main source of vitamin B12

  • Meat is a great source of protein

Click the link to see my video: Mutton Biryani

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

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