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Mexican Chicken Fajitas

Healthy Tasty Chicken

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

Chicken fajitas are an easy and flavorful meal. It is a classic Mexican recipe that contains juicy chicken which is seasoned, seared and cooked to perfection. It is then topped up with bell peppers and onions. to add, we also add a squeeze of fresh lime which we then serve with warm tortillas and other toppings.


  • 200 millilitre Orange Juice

  • 1 tbsp Dried Onion Powder

  • 1 tbsp Dried Garlic Powder

  • 1 tbsp Black Pepper

  • 1 tbsp Salt

  • 1 tbsp Lemon Juice

  • 4 Green Peppers

  • 4 tbsp Oil

  • 600 grams of Chicken

  • 1 medium-size Yellow Pepper

  • ½ Green Peppers

  • ½ Red Peppers

  • 1 medium-sized Onion


Preparing the Chicken

First, we will grab our chicken and start to cut it into small strips. Cutting into small strips will then allow us to later fill in the wraps.

Preparing the Chutney

Place a cooking pan on the hub with some oil and then place the peppers into the pan. This will be used to create our chutney for our peppers later.

Basing the Chicken

With the chicken now cut, place it in a bowl and add the orange juice, salt, oil and then black pepper. We will also add garlic powder followed by onion powder and lemon juice. Let’s give this a good mix.

Optionally we can also put the chicken in the fridge overnight for better-marinated cooking however you can also marinate for about 30 minutes.

Frying the Chicken

Place a cooking pan on the cooker and place your chicken in it. Allow the sides of the chicken to cook evenly for about 10 minutes on each side. Repeat this until all the chicken is cooked.

Preparing the Chutney Paste

From earlier, take out the peppers and put them in a blender. Blend the entire content it becomes a fine paste. Next, we will add some chicken powder to the Chutney.

Cooking the Vegetables

With our paste and chicken now ready, let’s begin to cook our toppings. Place an empty pan on the cooker and add oil, onions, red peppers, yellow peppers, green pepper and now we will fry them. We can also add some salt here too. Make sure to mix the pan until the toppings become a nice brown texture.

Do this for about 5 minutes.

In the same pan, add your chicken to allow the entire toppings and chicken to cook at the same time. Your toppings and chicken should now be ready to serve.

Making the Wraps

We can now get some tortilla wraps and place the cooked vegetables, chicken and sauce inside the wrap. We can then serve the wraps.


  • Eating Chicken can help to promote weight loss

  • Chicken on its own is a great source of Niacin and Vitamin-B which helps to fight against some forms of cancer

  • The vitamins in this dish will help to increase bone strength and build a better immune system

  • Chicken itself is rich in Vitamin B6 which helps to control the body metabolic functions

Click the link to see my video: Mexican Chicken Fajitas

Visit My YouTube Channel: Ronys Restaurants

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